
September 11, 2011

World Trade Center, 1997
Hiroshi Sugimoto


Although many believe the premise of a photograph is to record a truth, a still moment among many, Sugimoto is motivated by revealing time (and seemingly the essence of a moment) within a photograph.

Above, the subject itself, symbolic of strength and more, is blurred and mysterious.  Recording the essence of this structure, Sugimoto does not strive to present truth, but an imagined vision, perhaps of the architect. The details are not shown, the soft silhouette engages and the building becomes part of a broader landscape. His "time exposed" work offers an elemental reaction.

Viewing this today reminds me not only of the fragility of such structures but of life itself.  In memory of the lives lost, 10 years ago today, we will never forget.

More about Hiroshi Sugimoto:
Theaters series


New Arrivals

with spring comes friendlier weather and more exposure - to the masses.  at least that is my hope! after a long winter it seems the fruits of my artistic labors are finally beginning to blossom.  recently i have been awarded the opportunity to showcase my work at UGallery, an online art-selling venue that connects emerging contemporary artists with savvy, art-appreciating patrons.  UGallery offers affordable, original works of art for collection and decoration.  they have a sister site called Paperwork where you can purchase really cheap (and did I mention all sustainable eco-friendly) pieces for as little at $20! 

longer days, strawberries in season, new art, what more could a girl ask for?

check it out, today my work goes live!
UGallery - New Artists


its been a long time coming

thank you Other People's Pixels for making my life SO MUCH EASIER.

after weeks and weeks of sorting, editing and batch renames:  finally a functional website!



Google Art Project

yet another remarkable example of the ever-changing scope of technology:

what a marvelous tool for learning about art and the museums that house the greatest pieces of all time.  many of them, places the majority of the world might never be able to visit. although, at the other end of the spectrum, isn't this just one more reason to get sucked into the internet all day?  less experience of the real, tangible world?

love it and hate it.

although i'm divided on this, it does in fact inspire me to consider a career change.  looks like i could snap photos all day, see the master works i've studied for years, visit the most historic museums of the world (not to mention, see The World) and get paid for it.  i just might be able to live with riding one of those little google bike/carts around all day.

WANTED:  job as a google photographer.



After the assassination of MLK Jr. in 1968 riots and havoc broke out in D.C.  In April of that year, much of H Street NE, once a thriving District neighborhood, fell to the chaos, property damage, and crime plaguing the area.

It seems the H Street Corridor has been evolving for some time.  Since 2002 the D.C. Main Streets Program has ushered in a renaissance of sorts.  One of the most historic neighborhoods in D.C., the resurgence of longstanding and new businesses has in turn attracted more arts and entertainment-savvy folks to the revamped Atlas District.

And from what I've seen at places like Rock N Roll Hotel, Sova, and H Street Country Club, acoustic bluegrass, polaroid pictures and skeeball are also making a comeback.  For What It's Worth:  There's Something Happening Here...

A true gem:  Sova, H Street, The Polaroid Show 


what would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?

the other day i discovered this question printed on the inside of my (mmm delish) dove chocolate candy wrapper, and it got me thinking.  so many things are not achieved for fear of failure.

of course i'm guilty of letting fear get the best of me at times.  so in this new year, i resolve to be more courageous.  our own will is an amazing thing.  and i'm quite confident that something on my bucket list will get accomplished...

brush up on my french
learn italian, and spanish
live and work abroad for a year
maintain a travel/photography blog
design my own line of clothing, shoes and accessories
travel the world, and blog about it, on the small fortune i've earned from my clothing line, of course
pursue my MFA in photography (preferably at a top university where I would have the opportunity to work alongside revered contemporaries)
complete a second masters degree in art history
curate an exhibition of historically indelible photographs at the Whitney or MOMA, either would suffice
submit an exhibition proposal of my photography to a local art gallery
open up a small shop/gallery where i could make and sell my art
...and the list goes on...

so, what would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?